The vegetables of the Canapine di Trevi
The Canapine vegetables are grown on a strip of land, between the village of the city of Trevi and the bed of the Clitunno river, they alternate throughout the year: in autumn and winter spinach, radicchio, cabbage, broccoli, and cardoons (better known as gobbi) are grown; in spring-summer, salads, tomatoes, peppers, aubergines, green beans, carrots, many other vegetables and the main one is Black Celery.
Today, Trevi’s vegetables reach the markets of the nearest cities, but a lively commercial activity also exists on the production site, fueled by local buyers who, every day, go to stock up on fresh and genuine products.
They can also be purchased every 4th Sunday of the month in Piazza Mazzini during the Farmer’s Market.
For information:
Ufficio turistico
Tel. 0742 381628