Il Sagrantino di Montefalco DOCG

The quintessential red wine, embodying Umbria and Italy to the world! A millennia-old wine that captures the spirit of a unique land and its people in its color and aromas—a winemaking masterpiece that has stood the test of time, thanks to the passion and daily dedication of the producers from Montefalco.

The name derives from the Sagrantino grape, from which it is made with a 100% pure varietal composition. This unique grape variety, unparalleled worldwide in structure and longevity, tells the story of Umbria and the people who have lived there.

Montefalco Sagrantino DOCG is produced not only in Montefalco but also in the Umbrian municipalities of Bevagna, Gualdo Cattaneo, Giano dell’Umbria, and Castel Ritaldi.

With its medium-sized, blue-black berries, Sagrantino is one of the grape varieties with the highest polyphenol content in the world, including anthocyanins, which are responsible for the wine’s deep ruby-purple color, and tannins, which define its structure and the tannic uniqueness that is part of this wine’s DNA.


Tradizionalmente prodotto nella versione passita, nel 1992 il Montefalco Sagrantino ottiene il riconoscimento della Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita, sia per la versione secca che per quella passita. L’area di produzione del Montefalco Sagrantino DOCG è un’area dal profilo collinare, con altitudini dai 220 e i 472 metri sul livello del mare, con precipitazioni annue medie tra gli 800 e i 1100 mm e rare nevicate.

Itineraries in the area

The municipalities of the territory

Discover the eight municipalities of the Terre dell’Olio and Sagrantino territory

Campello sul ClitunnoEnter
Gualdo CattaneoEnter
Giano dell’UmbriaEnter
Massa MartanaEnter
Castel RitaldiEnter


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