Medieval living nativity scene

Winter in Bevagna

Bevagna is the perfect setting to recall a unique living nativity scene in Umbria, with the nativity set among scenes of medieval life. The backdrop to hundreds of participants is Piazza Silvestri, to which are added the splendid spaces of the Palazzo dei Consoli, the churches of San Silvestro and San Michele, the parish garden and the medieval streets that run through the village.

Visitors will feel catapulted into the atmosphere of the 1200s: the anxiously waiting village with its artisans, the market and the shops of the four Gaite, the tavern, the sounds and colors of musicians and jesters, the scents and flavors of the time.



Itineraries in the area

The municipalities of the territory

Discover the eight municipalities of the Terre dell’Olio and Sagrantino territory

Campello sul ClitunnoEnter
Gualdo CattaneoEnter
Giano dell’UmbriaEnter
Massa MartanaEnter
Castel RitaldiEnter


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