Mediaeval Route in Bevagna

On foot
Piazza Silvestri is at the centre of the mediaeval village. The Church of St. Sylvester stands here, its facade is incomplete and shows an inscription indicating the year of construction, 1195, and the name of the foreman, Binello.

The three-nave interior has a raised presbytery and a crypt and features a French-style barrel-vaulted covering. The Church of San Michele Arcangelo, built at the beginning of the 13th century, is on the opposite side and features the same Romanesque style. In the church, you will find the Spetia Chapel, decorated with frescoes by the painter Andrea Camassei. Palazzo dei Consoli stands on the square as well. It was built in 1270 and was the mediaeval headquarter of the local judiciaries. The large Gothic arches on the ground floor and the elegant double-arched windows are impressive. The lovely Francesco Torti Theatre, decorated by Domenico Bruschi and Mariano Piervittori, was inaugurated here in 1886. Finally, the Church of St. Dominic and St. James was built according to the wishes of Blessed Giacomo Bianconi, a Dominican preacher and co-patron saint of Bevagna, for whom the city’s people show him great devotion. According to tradition, in the Museum, there is a statue of the Virgin Mary with Baby Jesus and a Crucifix bought by Blessed Giacomo himself.

Artistic routes
Archeological routes

Points of interest

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