The Fortress of Gualdo Cattaneo

The fortress is certainly the most important monument of Gualdo Cattaneo and played a leading role in the village's history; it still looks like an elegant and simple stronghold to visitors.

Thanks to its strong connection with the well-known Pope Alessandro Borgia and its architectural originality, it is considered one of a kind in the Umbrian defence system. It was built between 1494 and 1498 and it was designed by Francesco di Bartolomeo da Pietrasanta following the military standards of the time when the advent of artillery was radically changing the aspect of all defence structures. It is a triangular-shaped fortress with a central tower and two lateral towers connected by an underground walkways system. The fortress, called “Dei Borgia” in honour of Pope Alexander VI, has been modified several times. The highest tower it’s really interesting and has a height of 20 metres and dominates the whole village; it is made up of 5 floors hosting all the living facilities necessary to defend and reside in the garrison. It is also known as Rocca sonora (Fortress of sound) thanks to the sounds, voices and tales that you can hear inside of it so that you can experience its centuries-old history.

Points of interest in the municipality of Gualdo Cattaneo