The sanctuary of Madonna della Bianca

The Sanctuary of the Madonna della Bianca was built in 1516 to celebrate, as often happened at that time, an image of the Madonna with Child to which miraculous manifestations were attributed; it was requested by the local community and was in fact built with poor materials, thanks to popular offerings.

In the beginning, the church was called Madonna del Soccorso, then Madonna della Misericordia and in the end Madonna Bianca, because of the white colour of Mary’s complexion and also in order to distinguish it from two other images preserved in neighbouring areas: namely La Bruna (within the municipality of Castel Ritaldi) and La Rossa (Santa Maria in Pietrarossa in Trevi). The portal of the stone façade was created in 1521 by master Cione di Mastro Taddeo da Como. The church features a Latin cross plan and is surmounted by a dome. The bell tower was added in 1617. Inside the church there is a large fresco in the apse by Fabio Angelucci da Mevale di Visso, dating from around 1574. It depicts the Coronation of the Virgin, with characters from the Old and New Testaments. Spagna is the author of the two most precious paintings (Annunciation and Nativity) inside the building.

Points of interest in the municipality of Campello sul Clitunno