Contemporary art centre Palazzo Lucarini Contemporary in Trevi

Palazzo Lucarini is one out of the many historical palaces in Trevi, located on the opposite side to the cathedral of Sant'Emiliano.

The palace derives its name from an ancient family, documented since the first half of the 15th century, who resided here until 1673, when it disappeared with the death of the last heir. In 1676, in accordance with the will of Virgilio Lucarini, the last member and well-known exponent of the family, the Lucarini College was established in the building to host and educate the young men and women of Trevi for free. The institution, run by the Confraternity of the Stigmata, remained here until 1832, when it was transferred to Palazzo Valenti and then to the convent of San Francesco due to the earthquake. The palace, of 15th-century origin, was built by incorporating a small medieval quarter. The façade features two portals dating to the 16th and 17th centuries. The main doorway bears the coat of arms of the Lucarini family, clearly recognisable in the figure of the piglet from whose breeding the family derived the wealth needed to build their vast palace.
The main floor of the palace around the 1980s housed the Flash Art Museum. It currently houses a Centre for Contemporary Art, created with the aim of producing, promoting and disseminating art and, more generally, contemporary culture in its many manifestations. Palazzo Lucarini Contemporary holds four exhibitions with workshops every year.

Points of interest in the municipality of Trevi