The ruins of harbour structures (2nd century)

Inside the building, there are several opus mixtum rooms (2nd century AD) which are nowadays identified as structures related to the river port: emporium or harbour infrastructures.

The building has several interconnecting rooms. They probably were warehouses belonging to the harbour and the exchange of goods. The harbour was situated near the city, at the confluence between the Clitunno and Timia rivers. In the vegetable gardens next door, in the nearby Via del Cirone and Via Camassei and Via Santa Margherita, there are a series of opus mixtum recesses along with brick half-columns and openings for water drainage. These structures were also part of the river port. For ancient Mevania, known as an important commercial centre, the harbour’s existence, as well as the Via Flaminia, were elements of great development.

Points of interest in the municipality of Bevagna